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Ram Chand
Ram Chand
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Wonderful experience. I was in search of natural hair colour for many years. In my search I got many and tried too but in vain. I am by nature near perfectionist and always continue to do so irrespective of my criticism. And ultimately I got your product.
Thank you so much .

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This is incredible. This face wash made my skin ultimately soft which I feel touching it often. Mine is a completely oily face, I often feel ennai kathirikai while seeing in mirror. But after couple is usages, I found my skin not to be oily for a good long duration and I don't even find a pimple in my face these days which I used to get during periods and some tiny pimples around my jaw. Thanks for the effort Dr.Hema and team. If possible, pls consider the price which will be of good help to us. Thank you.

Radha Shakunthla
Radha Shakunthla
Stars reviews Verified Purchase

The ingredients are almost the same what my mom prepared for me in my school days… loved to use the same for my daughter

Top 20 Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

Posted by Hemapriya Natesan on

Top 20 Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

Busy Moms don’t have much time, which is why they need hacks! Here are 20 beauty and health tips for busy Moms that can be easily integrated into your day.

I often think that the term ‘busy Mom’ makes no sense – is there any other kind of Mom out there? I don’t think so! Whichever part of the world you go to, whether it’s an urban or rural home, a small or big family, this universal truth remains – a Mom’s work is never done!

The problem is that Moms can get so busy that they may end up not having time for themselves. Over time, this neglect adds up, and we end up with chronic illnesses and not looking or feeling our best.

However, today’s Moms like you and me are smart and ambitious, and we want to be the best versions of ourselves, while also carrying out all our familial and career responsibilities. It’s a tall order, but we’re not ordinary people, we’re Moms!

Here are 20 health and beauty tips for busy Moms, which can be integrated into your lifestyle quite easily, without having to go crazy. You may have heard a few of these before, but we hope you’ll get some new insights after hearing what we have to say!

Top 20 Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

Busy Moms don’t have much time, which is why they need hacks! Here are 20 beauty and health tips for busy Moms that can be easily integrated into your day.

 1. Move

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

Yes, one word – move! If you’re a Mom of a toddler or young child, you’re probably already moving a lot, but if your baby is very young or of school going age, it’s likely that you’ve become a good friend of the couch – especially during these times. Since gyms are shut anyway and you may not find a full hour available to workout at a stretch, the best thing to do is to squeeze in 10 minute sessions throughout the day.

You can also get in some movement while doing regular activities. For instance, walk while talking on the phone, do push ups or squats when waiting for the water to boil, or stand on one leg while brushing your teeth. Lift some weights or do some burpees when watching TV or during the ads. Or just turn on some music and get dancing with your kids!

 2. Stay Hydrated

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

This one point is so, so, so important for everyone, especially for busy Moms! Water flushes out toxins, ensures proper functioning of all your systems and keeps your skin and hair healthy. In terms of health, beauty and overall well being, it is crucial to ensure you drink at least 2 liters of water a day, more if it’s too hot or you’ve sweat a lot.

However, it is near impossible to track this when you’re running after a baby or toddler. For this, we suggest keeping a water bottle exclusively for you – preferably of one liter. You can then see how many times you’re having to refill your bottle. Aim to finish one liter in the morning before lunch and one after.

 3. Prioritize Sleep

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

You’re probably laughing as you read this. Sleep? For Moms? Ha ha ha! Yes, when you become a Mom, sleep is the first casualty, but it is also a very important component for our health. The CDC says that sleeping for less than seven hours a night can lead to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity, heart disease and mental illnesses like depression. Sleep also affects the quality of your skin and hair.

It can be difficult to get a full night’s sleep with a small baby, so catch a nap whenever you can. Once your kids get older, fix a time for bedtime, depending upon when you want to wake up. When that time arrives, stop everything, put away your phone and get ready for bed. Trust me, whatever work you have pending then, you can do much better and faster when you wake up bright and fresh in the morning!

 4. Buy Whole Foods

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

The pandemic has ended the eating out saga, and many of us are still wary of ordering in. While this is a good thing in the sense you are cooking more at home, it doesn’t help if you are making do with processed food or using refined ingredients. Opt for the unrefined version of everything, and opt for natural sweeteners and flavoring. Completely stop buying packaged food – if its’ not there, you wont’ buy it. And with things being what they are, you are unlikely to mask up and go out just for buying that one thing even if you crave it.

 5. Meal Plan and Prep

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

Now that you’re shopping for a week in one stretch, it’s a good idea to make a meal plan beforehand, taking into account what you have in your fridge and pantry and what you plan to make during the week. Plan out everything to the last detail, including side dishes, salads, snacks etc. When you meal plan, you can ensure you include all food groups and can avoid decision fatigue. When you meal prep, you nearly halve your cooking time, and are much less likely to order restaurant food. Not to mention less stress and a more organized life!

 6. Embrace your Natural Hair

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

Blame it on movies, blame it on social media, blame it on society, but the truth is that many of us believe in certain standards of beauty that have been set by some unknown people. The result is that we’re often dissatisfied with our own appearance, and we always want to change something about ourselves, especially our hair! Straight haired people want beautiful waves, while those with curly hair want poker straight hair. Trying to change your hair from its natural state requires a lot of time, energy and money, not to mention extreme heat and chemicals. So if you’re a busy Mom, just skip all that and embrace your natural hair. Work with it instead of against it, and you’ll be surprised at all you can do!

 7. Wash less Frequently

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

Being a Mom, you probably already wash your hair less, but this bears repeating because over washing can hurt your hair. One of the most important things hair needs is moisture, and this is exactly what overwashing strips away. Especially when you use harsh shampoos and conditioners filled with chemicals. Depending upon your type of hair, wash 2-3 times a week, and just maintain your hair between washes, which brings us to the next point.

 8. Freshen between Washes

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

If your hair tends to droop and look greasy or go the other way by frizzing up, you can do a few small things to maintain your hairstyle between washes. First of all, using natural products and giving your hair the right kind of care will nip these problems in the bud. Now even if you do face them, you can use some corn starch or cocoa powder as dry shampoo to lift those roots. You can use an essential oil blend to tame flyaways. Just spray on a clean toothbrush and smooth over the frizzy parts.

 9. Go ‘No-Poo’

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

No, we’re not asking you to turn your bathroom schedule upside down, we’re talking about changing your hair products. If you apply chemical-ridden products multiple times a week, imagine how much chemical exposure you’re getting over the course of many years. Try a chickpea hair wash or honey hair wash for 100% natural moisture and damage-free cleansing. Choose ingredients like aloe vera that has many benefits for healthy hair. Not only will this save you time hunting for a special shampoo, it’ll also save you money by using things in your kitchen!

 10. Avoid Tight Styles

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

Have you heard of the ‘Mom bun’? Yes, it’s a thing! Moms get so busy and when they have to get down to business, they quickly put up their hair in a rough bun or use whatever hair clip is on hand. This may get your hair out of your face for the time being, but it can cause damage in the long term. Opt for a low maintenance hair cut, which makes life much easier. Avoid metal clips or tight scrunchies and learn a few simple hairstyles that don’t require your hair to be too tight. Too much tightness can put pressure on the roots and result in breakage.

 11. Use Coconut Oil

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

When you’re a Mom, one thing you absolutely need to have at home for yourself and your kids is coconut oil. It is a one stop shop for solutions to all kinds of skin and hair problems. It’s great to moisturize the body before a bath, and effectively cures dry skin conditions like eczema. It works well for facial skin and lips as well, while also removing makeup. For hair, coconut oil fights dandruff and other itchy scalp conditions, while nourishing the strands and follicles, promoting better hair growth.

 12. Reset your Skin Care

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

How many products of skin care do you own? Most of us own a lot, although we may not use them all, or at least are using them the wrong way. When you’re a busy Mom, you want to simplify things as much as possible, so do a full skincare reset. Identify your skin type and get just a few multi tasking products that will do everything you need. You may even find these in your kitchen! For instance, raw milk is great to cleanse and moisturize skin and also helps removing stubborn makeup. Witch hazel and rose water make great skin toners, while honey and aloe vera solve a ton of skin problems including acne. Cucumber, potatoes and coffee grounds help those bags under the eyes.

 13. Make use of the Weekend

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

Regular days can be quite hurried for most Moms, so take a break during the weekend. Yes, you’ve probably got a load of chores that were waiting for the weekend, but let them wait – you come first. Use this time for that luxurious soak with bath salts, or a face pack or a deep conditioning hair mask. This is also a good time to do a home manicure and pedicure – avoid nail polish; it’s a pain to maintain. Get someone to watch the kids for a couple of hours while you unwind and give yourself some TLC.

 14. Don’t Neglect Hands, Feet and Lips

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

When caring for your skin, don’t focus only on the face. As a busy Mom, your hands have to deal with a lot, and with all the hand washing going on nowadays, they’ve had to deal with more dryness. Wear gloves while cleaning or washing, and use a hand cream whenever you’re done. Moms’ feet also take a lot, including our (ahem) weight as well as our baby’s. Scrub away tough skin with a pumice stone and moisturize at night. Use a lip balm throughout the day to keep your lips soft and smooth.

 15. Have a Night Time Routine

Busy Moms don’t have much time, which is why they need hacks! Here are 20 beauty and health tips for busy Moms that can be easily integrated into your day.

Daytime is spent running behind kids, putting out fires at work and getting meals on the table. Sometimes the only time a busy Mom gets is a quarter hour or so before bed. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, take out a few minutes for maintenance. The time we sleep is when the body repairs its cells, including those of our skin. Take off any makeup, cleanse skin and use a night cream that tackles your skin problems and moisturizes. Once in a while, you can also try an overnight mask for your hair. You’ll be surprised at how these small steps make a big difference!

 16. Ensure a Balanced Diet

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

We’ve talked about including wholesome foods and avoiding packaged foods, but another thing to consider for optimum health and good looks is your nutrient intake. Consuming a low quantity of any nutrient will manifest in some form or the other. A full blood test will tell you exactly what you’re lacking in, and the doctor will prescribe the appropriate supplement. However, in this scenario, it’s better to avoid stepping out at all, let alone a clinic or laboratory. So opt for prevention instead, by ensuring you get enough of all the Vitamins and essential minerals. Don’t forget to get some early morning sun for Vitamin D too, which is not as available in foods.

 17. Make smart Snack Choices

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

When you’re considering your diet, don’t forget snacks. Busy Moms need a lot of energy and a part of it comes from snacks, usually two snacks a day. If you over snack, you risk ruining your weight loss goals and taking in too many unwanted calories. Another reason to be careful with snacks is considering dental health. Unhealthy snacks with too much sugar as well as caffeinated beverages can end up hurting your teeth. Use a reusable straw to minimize the acid attack on your teeth. Opt for fruits, coconut water or nuts instead.

 18. Don’t skip Flossing

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

When it comes to oral health, most of us brush twice a day and leave it at that. But brushing only covers about 65% of your teeth, which means the rest is left behind as fair game for bacteria. Not a pretty picture, right? To keep your pearly whites strong and clean, you have to floss – ideally after every meal. It is the only way to get into the one third part of your teeth that brushes can’t reach. Don’t underestimate the power of flossing!

 19. Try Oil Pulling

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

For optimum dental health, another thing you can try is oil pulling. In this, you swish around virgin coconut oil in your mouth for about 15 minutes and then spit it out. This is an Ayurvedic practice and is believed to remove impurities from the mouth, leading to increased oral health. Oil pulling can keep your teeth safe from cavities and also prevent bad breath and gum disease.

 20. Be Aware of your Body

Top 20 Effective Beauty and Health Tips for Busy Moms

You are the owner of the body – it is your responsibility to know when something’s wrong. For that, you first need to know how your body feels when it’s right. Be aware of all parts of your body, and pay special attention when bathing. Check for moles, lumps or anything that is out of the ordinary and get it checked out. Once you’ve crossed the age of 40, schedule regular screenings, particularly if you have a family history of any chronic illness. Women tend to put this off indefinitely – so be sure to schedule it into your calendar.

Along with all this, get rid of any bad habits you may have, like biting your nails, scrolling your phone late into the night, drinking too much coffee, brushing wet hair etc. Try to multi task as you go about your day, like shaving your legs while your conditioner is in your hair, or applying a face pack before you go about your morning routine.

Most importantly, be consistent with your efforts. With young children, it’s difficult to have a set schedule, and things can go south very easily. Whatever the case may be, focus on getting it done as well as you can – forget perfection! Slowly but steadily, you’ll start noticing changes in your overall energy and your looks, and you’ll be glad you stuck with it!

Busy Moms don’t have much time, which is why they need hacks! Here are 20 beauty and health tips for busy Moms that can be easily integrated into your day.

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