Got an itchy scalp that sheds a lot of dandruff when you try to ease the scratch? Worry not because we got you with these 10 AMAZING home remedies to curb those snowflakes!
Imagine you wake up one cold winter morning; the atmosphere is eerie and the only thing you are looking forward to is a hot cup of ginger tea. You look in the mirror and you are taken aback. What are those white flakes on your head? They are all over your pillow too! Has it been snowing? It couldn’t be. Are you living your childhood Disney dream of being the princess who is covered in glitter? Only if Aladdin and his magic carpet existed in real life, sigh. If none of that makes sense then what could this be? God, It’s dandruff!
Sorry for painting such a detailed word-picture of most of ours’ biggest nightmare. But you get the point now, don’t you? Dandruff can be pretty disturbing and also might trigger certain insecurities in you. Having dandruff means you always have to be self-aware in front of other people. Thoughts of them noticing your dry scalp haunts all of us especially if you are meeting someone for the first time. We get it; we totally understand what you must be feeling because we have been there too. You want to know how we walked out of it with confidence? Read this much awaited blog and you will find out for yourself on the way!
10 Effective Home Remedies for Dandruff

1. Neem Anti-Fungal Treatment
You can definitely trust neem leaves when it comes to dandruff. Neem gives a lot of relief from the itchiness and the redness on the scalp. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties which hold back the growth of dandruff. Here’s a DIY mask that you can try.

- Firstly, you need to crush some neem leaves till it forms a thick paste.
- Add some honey to the paste for some nourishment.
- Next, you need to apply this paste onto your scalp and hair and let it dry for a minimum of 10 minutes.
- Once this is done, you can wash it away with some water.
2. Coconut Oil for Dry Scalp

Coconut oil is stacked with properties that can help calm irritation and the hidden disease that is causing it. The counter parasitic properties will help clear the scalp of itchy elements and give relief. Coconut oil and lemon is a tried-and-tested remedy to tackle dandruff and it smells nice too.
- Combine equal amounts of coconut oil and lemon juice and massage the mixture on your scalp.
- Keep it for about 10-15 minutes and rinse your hair thoroughly.
- This will not only help you get rid of dandruff but also boost hair growth and nourishment.
- Make sure to preheat the oil in winter as it tends to freeze easily in colder temperatures.
3. Soundaryah Anti Dandruff Herbal Hair Mask
In this toxic laden modern era where most anti-dandruff hair treatments contain harmful chemicals, this Herbal Hair Mask helps resolve issues like flaking, itchiness and dandruff related hair fall gently and naturally. Along with the medicinal healing properties of Hibiscus (for itch relief), Fenugreek seeds (for hair strength), Amla (for hair growth) and Oats (for moisturizing the scalp), this mask contains nature’s very own anti-dandruff star ingredient in the form of high-grade Organic Neem.
- Mix Soundaryah’s Anti Dandruff Herbal Hair with sufficient amount of coconut oil or any pure oil to form a thick wet paste.
- Apply all over scalp starting from the front area to the back.
- Use soft circular motions to massage the mask into the scalp.
- Now apply the mask on the hair length as well.
- Cover hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap and then wrap head with a towel to prevent dripping and drying out.
- Leave the mask on for ½ an hour to 1 hour and wash off with lukewarm water and a mild herbal cleanser.
- Use the mask once a week for active dandruff.
4. Fenugreek Seeds

Being high in protein, fenugreek seeds aka methi are known to nourish the hair and prevent hair fall. They are also loaded with supplements that help to strengthen the hair and scalp. What's more, it repairs hair follicles and helps in hair regrowth.
- Firstly, you need to put some fenugreek seeds in a small bowl of water and let it soak overnight.
- Once you wake up in the morning make sure that you mash the seeds to a paste-like substance. Then add little lemon juice to the paste and mix it well.
- Once this has formed into a paste, apply it onto your scalp and hair and leave it to dry for 30 minutes.
- After this is done you can wash your hair with Soundaryah’s herbal hair wash and allow your hair to dry.
5. Henna Hair Mask
You can cure dandruff using mehndi. Mehndi works well on your hair and softens it. Here is how you prepare the mehndi mix for your hair.
- Firstly, mix Soundaryah’s Organic Henna Powder with curd and a little bit of lemon juice.
- Once this is formed as a paste, keep the mixture aside for 8 hours.
- After 8 hours you can apply it on your hair
- Let it dry over your hair for two hours and then you can wash it away using Soundaryah’s Royal Herbal Hair Wash.
6. Yogurt and Papaya Hair Mask

Yoghurt or Dahi is an ingredient that works for all types of hair. It has anti-inflammatory and cooling properties which help a lot with dandruff and a dry and itchy scalp.
To make a DIY mask, take half a cup of yoghurt and mix it with peeled and smashed papaya. Keep it in your hair for 30 minutes and wash your hair like usual after that. This will keep dandruff in control and off your shoulders. This mask helps in cleansing the scalp and in hair growth too.
7. Green Tea Hair Rinse

Green tea contains a lot of antifungal properties and it is an antioxidant that can restore the health of your scalp. All you need to cure dandruff is by applying some cooled green tea on your scalp and you can witness the difference.
- Firstly, you will require 2 green tea bags and some hot water as the major part of your ingredients.
- Then you will have to put the green tea bag into the hot water for 20 minutes till the decoction dissolves in it and then allow it to cool.
- Once it cools, you can apply the green tea onto your scalp and let it dry for 30 minutes.
- After 30 minutes gently rinse your hair with water.
Note: This can be followed in the mornings when bathing. This is one of the easiest ways in which you can cure dandruff naturally at home.
8. Garlic and Honey Anti-bacterial Mask

Garlic has a good source of antifungal properties that have the tendency to eliminate certain dangerous microbes that are responsible for causing dandruff.
- Initially, you will need a few garlic cloves along with 1 tablespoon of honey.
- Once you’ve got all the ingredients ready, make sure that you mix it till it turns into a smooth paste.
- Then, apply the paste on your scalp and let it dry for 15 minutes.
- Once this is done make sure you rinse your hair with some shampoo.
9. Tea Tree Oil for Dandruff Control

Tea tree oil is beneficial for a lot of ailments, and dandruff is one of them. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce the severity and symptoms of dandruff. It is also very effective in fighting the strains of fungus, which cause both dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.
One way to use Tea Tree Oil for hair is to prepare a hair spray by diluting 5 percent Tea Tree Oil with water or Chamomile Tea. This will condition the hair and also prevent dandruff. Please make sre to always use diluted tea tree oil as it can irritate the skin.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV works as a natural hair cleanser and unclogs pores and hair follicles. Its acidic nature helps remove dead skin cells on the scalp, prevents the growth of fungus and restores the pH balance of your scalp.
Simply make a mixture using 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of cold water and rinse your hair after shampooing. Let it settle for two minutes before washing it off. To get the best results, it can be used once a week.
Bonus Tips:
Apart from these quick home remedies to treat dandruff at home, there are other certain tips that can prove beneficial in reducing flakiness and dryness of the scalp.
- Try to avoid eating too much sugar, fats and carbs
- Avoid using styling tools too often as any kind of artificial heat can cause irreparable damage and precipitate dandruff
- Don’t scratch your scalp often
- Shampoo your hair 2-3 times a week to loosen the dead skin from the scalp
- Brush your hair often to improve blood circulation in the scalp
- Use your own comb to brush your hair
- Make sure you take enough of rest before you get yourself working. Lack of sleep creates stress and this in return causes dandruff
- Make sure you always cover your hair while travelling
- Also, make sure that you use herbal products to cure dandruff. This is because harmful chemicals found in shampoos can also sometimes cause dandruff.

You literally don’t have to worry about flaky scalp or being judged by someone anymore. These quick fixes are going to do your hair so good that you will recommend them to all of your friends and family. These methods are tried and tested by yours truly and that’s how you know that they are 100% effective. Have a good hair day, every day!

If you struggle with dandruff and tried out any of these home remedies, do let us know in the comments!
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