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Reviews from Real Customers
Ram Chand
Ram Chand
Stars reviews Verified Purchase

Wonderful experience. I was in search of natural hair colour for many years. In my search I got many and tried too but in vain. I am by nature near perfectionist and always continue to do so irrespective of my criticism. And ultimately I got your product.
Thank you so much .

Stars reviews Verified Purchase

This is incredible. This face wash made my skin ultimately soft which I feel touching it often. Mine is a completely oily face, I often feel ennai kathirikai while seeing in mirror. But after couple is usages, I found my skin not to be oily for a good long duration and I don't even find a pimple in my face these days which I used to get during periods and some tiny pimples around my jaw. Thanks for the effort Dr.Hema and team. If possible, pls consider the price which will be of good help to us. Thank you.

Radha Shakunthla
Radha Shakunthla
Stars reviews Verified Purchase

The ingredients are almost the same what my mom prepared for me in my school days… loved to use the same for my daughter

Homemade Herbal Shampoo for Kids - 100% Chemical Free

Posted by Hemapriya Natesan on

Homemade Herbal Shampoo for Kids - 100% Chemical Free

As the famous phrase goes- “Children are great imitators so give them something great to imitate”. Therefore, it is very important to teach children how to take care of their well-being using natural ayurvedic methods from a young age.

We make sure to take utmost care of our skin, hair and overall well-being but more than us, we want the children in our family to be safe and healthy from inside out. Every mother makes sure that her child gets the best of nutrition, the best of education and the best of amenities; then why do we neglect the little things like the shampoos and soaps that our children are exposed to every single day?

I mean, if your answer to the question is “I use baby-safe shampoo for my child” then let’s just see what these “kid’s shampoos” have in them. The sad truth is that there are many less-than-ideal chemicals used in conventional kids’ bath products. Looking at the ingredient list on the back of the bottles, it’s hard to understand most of them. Subsequently, we have very little idea whether these ingredients are suitable for our kids or whether they are harmful to their health. In conventional hair care, SLS can strip and dry the hair. Silicone is then used to ‘fix’ it, giving it that silky smooth, glossy shine.

Products that have phthalate esters in them can also adversely affect your child’s wellbeing. These phthalates are added to aromatise the baby shampoos artificially. There is a high probability of these phthalates eventually getting into your baby’s skin. When you opt for a baby product, you obviously want them to have good shelf life. Therefore, the shampoo companies add insane number of preservatives to their products. These components can disrupt the average hormonal balance and even lead to severe diseases in the long run.

Creating a healthy hair habit is always beneficial for your little ones right from an early age. So, make sure that you have a routine that you can adhere to. For example, as babies are slowly getting customized with their surroundings, a regular bathing practice will make them feel at ease during washing up.

Homemade Herbal Shampoo for Kids - 100% Chemical Free

As the famous phrase goes- “Children are great imitators so give them something great to imitate”. Therefore, it is very important to teach children how to take care of their well-being using natural ayurvedic methods from a young age.

Here's a quick and easy DIY shampoo recipe to help ease your child into the chemical-free way of life!


Homemade Herbal Shampoo for Kids - 100% Chemical Free

  1. Soak 5 tablespoons of Soundaryah's Royal Herbal Hair Wash powder in 3 cups of water overnight or for 8 hours.
  2. Boil the soaked mixture for 5 minutes in a thick bottomed pan.
  3. Simmer on a low flame for 10-15 minutes till the mixture is reduced in half. (Stir frequently to avoid burning.)
  4. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool.
  5. Strain it and use instead of regular shampoo!
  6. Wet hair thoroughly and then apply the paste all over scalp and hair.
  7. Massage scalp gently for a few minutes in circular motions.
  8. Wash with lukewarm water until no residue is left.
  9. Apply a small amount of a light hair oil like almond or coconut all over hair length to semi damp hair and let dry naturally.
  10. You can store this mixture in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.


Why use a natural shampoo on your kids?

Natural ingredients are safer to use on a daily basis, especially on soft, sensitive and eczema prone skin.

Using an organic shampoo significantly reduces the chemical burden on your child’s body.

Organic shampoos reduce the number of harmful chemicals that end up in the environment.

Organic shampoos containing aloe stimulate hair growth and are known for their healing properties.

Organic shampoos do not contain SLS or silicone.

Our children’s hair is healthy! It hasn’t been subjected to years of dyeing, drying, straightening or curling. By using a natural product from the beginning, there will be less chemical build up, and ultimately, much healthier hair.


Benefits of Soundaryah's Royal Herbal Hair Wash


Homemade Herbal Shampoo for Kids - 100% Chemical Free

The vitamins and minerals along with the phytonutrients present in amla increases the blood circulation in the scalp, which stimulates the hair growth. Blood circulation ensures that the scalp gets all the essential nutrients and oxygen to be healthy.


Homemade Herbal Shampoo for Kids - 100% Chemical Free

Reetha helps control hair fall by removing dandruff from the scalp. According to Ayurveda, dandruff is the prime cause of hair fall. It is a condition marked by flakes of dry skin on the scalp. Reetha helps to control dandruff and promotes hair growth.


Homemade Herbal Shampoo for Kids - 100% Chemical Free

The essential nutrients and natural ingredients present in Shikakai is extremely beneficial in improving the texture of hair. Being a natural surfactant, it cleanses the hair follicles, removes greasiness and makes the hair softer and shinier.


Homemade Herbal Shampoo for Kids - 100% Chemical Free

Neem acts as anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and prevents dandruff. It nourishes the scalp and prevents hair fall.

Kannauj Rose:

Homemade Herbal Shampoo for Kids - 100% Chemical Free

It replenishes lost moisture for smoother, shinier and healthier hair.

When it comes to our children, a gentle shampoo free from harmful chemicals is a much safer and more balanced approach. Moreover, note that overexposure to water may also have counterproductive effects. So, frequent bathing with shampoo is not a necessity for your kid. Note that these harmful components can be present in several other commodities associated with nourishing a baby. So, always lay great emphasis on choosing 100% natural products for your children. After all, yours are the safest hands your kids can be in!

As the famous phrase goes- “Children are great imitators so give them something great to imitate”. Therefore, it is very important to teach children how to take care of their well-being using natural ayurvedic methods from a young age.

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As the famous phrase goes- “Children are great imitators so give them something great to imitate”. Therefore, it is very important to teach children how to take care of their well-being using natural ayurvedic methods from a young age.





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